Monday, December 21, 2009

Biblical advice and Christian encouragement needed...?

I was married for 7 years in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship involving bottles of beer thrown at me, husband's hands squeezing my neck, and brandishing his shotgun at me twice. He had not treated the children well, either. I asked for divorce many times, and was told I'd have nothing but the clothes on my back and I'd never see my children again. He also used verses of the Bible against me saying that even when he lies and cheats people of their money, I must stand by him in ALL he does because it is my duty - according to the Bible. All my friends were driven away, and he was befriending and inviting people into my home who were marijuana users and alcoholics. He refused to help with household chores and rear the children, leaving it all to me while he played games on his computer all day. Things piled up, I lost weight as well as sleep, and even my friends. My own parents hated my husband and knew about it all. I had no choice but to commit adultery if it was to get the children and I out of a physically dangerous marriage.

The man I had an affair with is the man I wish I had married in the first place. I've been with him four years now, and not once have we had an argument that lasted two minutes. He does none of what my ex-husband did (ex-husband still hasn't changed.) He helps with the kids, household chores, errands, makes sure I'm well in every way possible, refuses to lay even a finger against me... we are now engaged. Almost every day, I thank God for my fiance, and I thank God that I wasn't shot by my ex-husband.

Problem is, I've had a church tell me that adultery is an unforgiveable sin and even if I do remarry or repent, I am still an adulterer and can never enter heaven no matter how much I repent.

Does the Bible say anything at all about how a husband is supposed to treat his wife? Does it permit the husband to hurt his wife, and not care about his wife's health? Does it permit the husband to force his wife to support him even while he breaks the law and scams people? Does it command the wife to remain in a marriage that had more of a possibility of ending in death by the husband than in having a Biblical marriage? I am so frigging confused.

I thought that speaking against the Holy Spirit was the only unforgiveable sin, and now they say I can't ever repent for having an affair. This affair probably saved my life! Asking for a divorce was a moot point - he had all the money, all the possessions, including the car in his grasp. I had nowhere to go, and family was 200 miles away.

What does the Bible say? I want it up front and on the table!Biblical advice and Christian encouragement needed...?
it's not unforgivable... it's not a good thing but God loves his children and wants them to be happy and not be abused. whatever church you are going to, stop. go somewhere else. you should kneel down and pray and ask the Lord yourself. read the bible and see what it says.Biblical advice and Christian encouragement needed...?
Adultery isn't an unforgivable sin. ';blasphemy against the holy spirit'; is the only one, whatever that is. Although adultery isn't the only choice to get out of an abusive relationship.
Jesus ran into a woman one day about to be stoned for committing adultery. She was on her knees crying. Jesus looked at the Pharisees and said if any of you are without sin cast the first stone. And they all began to drop their stones. Jesus told her she was free and to sin no more. Reminds me of the situation you are in.

Relationships run off of recurring circle. The man must feel respected and the woman must feel loved. Most couples are good people, but don't know this and their relationship fails. If a woman doesn't feel loved she will not respect her husband and if a man doesn't feel respected he will not love. The bible tells the man to love his wife like christ loves the church. (Jesus gave his life for us) Which means her body is mine and she is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone and I will treat her like it. A man's whole life should be to love her and vise versa. There is no unforgivable sin today. (Blasphemy was for the pharisees who believed Jesus was the devil). Life is not about where you come from. It's about where you're going.

I advise you to leave that church. Church should be your favorite place. You should feel like you belong there. It should be home to you. Your best friends should be in the church. It should be your second family.

(The guy above me has no clue. Paul wrote to the church of Corinthians because their women were wild in the church and unruly. Paul told them they are not permitted to speak in church anymore.)
men dominate in the bible.. what they say goes and women are second to men no matter what.. i do believe there is a verse in that book that tells women not to ask questions in church because its disrespectful.. the next verse tells you to go home and ask your husband in are digging for morals in a book written by a time dominated by men...
Jesus wanted you to leave this person because he was using fear to rule over you. I was used by Jesus in a marriage where the husband was continually being abusive to his wife to control her and Jesus told me to tell her right in front of her husband that the next time he makes her feel afraid to leave him. The Bible clearly tells the women to obey the husband in the Lord, which means that if he is not in the Lord or acting according to the way he was instructed then if the Lord leads the women can leave her husband.

Your committing adultery is not related to whether or not you were permitted to leave your husband.

I have heard men that were divorced testify that Jesus provided a second spouse that was exactly as requested even though the Bible is clear that second marriages except for in the case when the spouse dies is a sin.
The unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Meaning that you do not let the Holy Spirit speak through you, when you are delivered up to the False Messiah(Anti-Christ)

(Mark 13:9, 10, 11) %26amp; (Luke 21:13, 14, 15) This is the only unforgivable sin that Jesus will not tolerate.(Matthew12:31, 32)

Adultery is forgivable (John 8:1 - 11) Emphasis on vs. 10 %26amp; 11

Show that to your false prophets at that so called church.

Also God was a divorcee, God divorced Israel !

Just stay with the Word of God, and let Him pull through

Not views or traditions of man, that are false.

God Bless,

and find True happiness in your life here,

it is only for a short while till ';That Day'; comes.

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