Monday, December 21, 2009

Christians: Do you always give biblical advice even if the person is not a believer?

Or do you compromise?

For further clarification: When you get in casual conversation with someone you don't know well and they tell you something they did which is sinful and they feel a little you take those opportunity to point out sin and bring up repentance and the gospel?Christians: Do you always give biblical advice even if the person is not a believer?
I pray first most the time if God gives me an opening or leads me to I do. I do not usually point at a non believer and tell them your a sinner repent because what ever I say after that will fall on deaf ears. If it is a person I know is a believer I will point out their sin. If not it depends on what the better way to lead them to Christ would be. Sometimes people are lead by realizing they are wrong. Sometimes people know they are wrong and are lead because you showed them love and compassion.

You already knew my answer though lolChristians: Do you always give biblical advice even if the person is not a believer?
I don't compromise but I don't give Biblical advice unless asked.

I do, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, use those as opportunities to share the Gospel. Hopefully I do it in a way that is not perceived as cramming something down the other person's throat.

When people ask, ';What should I do';, the advice I give them comes from the Bible, since the Bible has more wisdom than I do. Someone does not have ask me specifically for ';What does that Bible say';, for me to tell them what the Bible says.
If they feel bad I don't need to point out anything and if they don't what's the point.

I have many close relationships with people who are either not of the same faith or pick and choose on certain areas. No matter, when they talk to me about it, I always try to be compassionate and honest about their particular situation. But at the same time, I look through a lens that is, well, Christian. I can't help it. It's like asking someone from Compton to give directions to someone from Martha's Vineyard.

The understanding needs to be mutual.
No I don't usually ever give biblical advice unless the question calls for it. I give my honest advice which may sometimes be my opinion as well even in religious matters, as long as I know I am correct. If I have any doubt I check it with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Douay Rheims bible or the Catholic Encyclopedia. I use those resources only for religious questions, all others get my honest advice from experience or my opinion on the matter.
Yes because according to my faith we are taught to spread the word of God.

I might start preaching the gospel or depending on what kind of thing your talking about.

I had a person say the felt bad because they started smoking because they where bored all the time and stressed from it.

I was like well do things you enjoy go for a walk, ride a bike, read hobbies, sports anything to get your mind off of stress and on something else.
I will answer them in love, will I tell them the are a sinful person probably not (depending on the person) That is not how to show people love to throw their sins in there face. The only people we should point out the truth to is fellow Christians. We are only called to judge their sins. And that is mainly for accountability. See Galatians 6:1
Oh YES I give Biblical advice.. is there any other kind when one is a believer? When someone whines to me about some trouble or other which THEY HAVE CAUSED by their bad behaviour, YES I will advise them that perhaps if they stopped that behaviour- they could clear up their woes.

I do NOT push Bible on them nor judgement. I can only point out something that ought to change, and it is God who does any convicting.
No, I don't.

It's not my place to judge them. I was once a non-believer. In fact, a hateful Atheist. And I was saved. So, never say never. Having said that, the truth of my life, what I do and how I live is my testimony. We have a duty to live as closely to what Jesus wants of us as possible. It is not our jobs to save. That's Jesus job. I am only here to plant the seeds. Do not be deceived by your good intentions. They can derail you just as quickly as any other sin out there. And you wouldn't even realize it.
This is hard to answer because none of the non-believers I know would refer to their behavior as sinful.

But I wouldn't use religion to engage with that kind of discussion with a non-believer unless they specifically asked me my religious perspective on the issue.
I believe it is so important to be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, in a case like you bring up it could be the Spirit leading to repentance and salvation
sometimes, sometimes not. It depends on the situation. Never pry into peoples business because you dont always know whats going on. You may be a Christian but all Christians sin too, were not perfect.
Only if they specifically ask for Biblical advice. I do not feel it is my duty to ram it down every body's throat just because they chose to talk to me.
I do but I don't force it down their throats either. Sometimes being pushy drives them further away. I ask them if they want my opinion first before I tell them
Not always, if the spirit dictates and the time and place and conditions are right.
I share what works for me. Obeying God always brings positive results in my life, physically and spiritually.
I give biblical advise on the love of God and belief that Jesus Christ is our saviour. I have not met anyone who said they didn't believe in Him either. Just blessed I guess.
i give advice based on biblical teachings. but i dont always quote the bible.
Sure, I always give advice based on the Bible.
yes, because they love you
If you pay close attention to the bible, it is all a personal experience story based on many peoples' experience. If you have experienced one of the truths in the bible, it would probably be better to just talk about a personal experience. Wisdom is experience. Use it as such. People are able to speak to someone alot better when it's not you telling them they are wrong or right, but by illuminating both sides, they are able to make the decision themselves and it is often the right one.

Look into your own life, before you start casting judgement on others.

Lol, if you think that is judgement you are mistaken, it is simply insight a truth. Would it have been better if I quoted it as a bible verse?

Luke 6:42

';Or how can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye?

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