Monday, December 21, 2009

Why did this Biblical advice not work?


30:37 And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut tree; and pilled white strakes in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods.

30:38 And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they should conceive when they came to drink.

30:39 And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speckled, and spotted.

I tried this with my goats but didn't get the colors and patterns described in the Bible. What went wrong?Why did this Biblical advice not work?
Genesis 30:36 - And before taking the rods, thou must dance around the trees, yea, in the manner of MC Hammer. That the Lord may bless thee.

See you atheists? You take it ';out of context'; ;)Why did this Biblical advice not work?
Because that Word was specifically for JACOB not for YOU!!

I won't even bring up the doubt factor...
Huh, that's wierd. Maybe you did something wrong. It worked for everyone else that I know that tried it.
God did not instruct you to do it,ask of HIM in he will give you direction if you are sincere
You have too much free time.

(and I need to work but am lazy so I am wasting time with you)
You didn't try this and you don't have any goats.
The favor of God was with Jacob. I'm not sure what your motivation was or what your relationship with God is like, but He is obligated to no one. See James 4:1-3
Hmm. Did you start out with the same kind of sheep Jacob had? (Insert raised eyebrow here.)
Who told you it was going to work? It wasn't Jacob's foolishness and ';knowledge'; who acheived the different goats colors and patterns, but God's mercy.
i'm not sure, maybe you didn't do it right. at easter i saw a bunch of beautifully coloured chicks - green, blue, orange, pink etc. they were selling them at a petshop - maybe you should ask the owner, i bet he used the bible to get them that way
Your lack of faith to begin with.

It is not for you to have the exact same experience that of Jacob. The goats of today are slightly different from those of Jacobs day. As Cavemen and Dinosaurs are extinct so are that particular flock. Nothing went wrong perse it's all a matter of faith and timing and distance between era's.
did you have a father-in-law lying and trying to not pay you for years of work?

di you have a covenant with God started by your grandfather that all you do will prosper?
Jacob was a tither. He said that where God gave him increase, He would give back a 10th %26amp; build His temple at Bethel (Jacob's ladder).

Also, Jacob was a man of vision. This was seeing the vision %26amp; haveing faith in God the vision to come to pass.

So, pray about it %26amp; commit to God a 10th in thanks to God for your God given increase. Make a vision of the increase, see it, have faith in it.

I have a hunch Lazy Time... is right.
Your goats did not have the same initial genetic markers.
The rods are just to keep the flocks from moving while the shepherd has his way with them. Try that next time.
The imaginary man was on lunch break, try again.
because the bible is just a book, it has no real anything, pure science fiction. Your a F A G for even trying it and thinking it would work. burn in hell you blasphemer

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