Monday, December 21, 2009

I need some advice...I am learning Biblical Hebrew and Greek in order to better know the Bible I need help?

It seems that not very many people care that I am spending sleepless hours trying to learn the original languages of the Bible. Why do people not apprecite a person that can accurate translate the original Hebrew and Greek and can distinguish between a good English version and junk? Why is it that I can tell someone that the way a particular passage in their favorite English version is not entirely accurate and explain the original meanings from the Hebrew and Greek...why is it that they don't want to believe me? Have Church goers gotten so comfortable that they would rather hear a slick talking preacher ';fanatacize'; the Bible and not listen to someone, like myself, accurate explain what it really means? Is there anybody else out there that understands the original Bible languages? Am I alone? Sometimes it feel like I am wasting my time. So I am asking you. Is it worth continuing to learn the original languages or should I just read the ';most popluar'; version and be content?I need some advice...I am learning Biblical Hebrew and Greek in order to better know the Bible I need help?
Stay with it, and learn as much Hebrew and Greek as you can. I had one semester of each in Bible college and still have fond memories of the instructors sharing some depths of truth we had never seen before. They actually glowed with the love of Jesus as they gave us these little ';nuggets'; from their own study. Professors Stevens and Marquardt, thank you and God bless you for sharing and giving us a desire to study, too!

You'll run into opposition from different sources. First, a lot of lay-people don't know the original languages, and frankly don't want to try. Either they're scared, or they've been burned, by somebody who ';showed'; how much more he or she knew than they did. You can remember the type, I'm sure. So that's one reason, perhaps fear or indifference?

Another is that some people feel that appeals to the original are adding to or taking away from God's word. In truth, some have done that, but in fairness, if the translation is wrong and the original is right, then what recourse do we really have? I believe the holders of this view are basically right, but just a little afraid of something, to their minds, that's new--even if it was the real deal to start with!

Finally, let me encourage you to stay with it, for a couple more reasons. One, some of the best commentaries are getting a little old, and all will eventually become out-of-print or worse, out -of-date. We're going to need people who can connect the golden riches of the original with an ever-changing language of the times in which you live. Take a look at Dr. A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures in the Greek New Testament. He gave some of the finest examples of analysis (or whatever the term is) I ever saw--but he's been dead for 70-plus years! Who's going to keep the fire going? Finally, we still need people who can translate the original into doctrinally sound, and easy to read, languages of today. Take a look at the folks who translated or helped in the New International Version project. Consider the 50 or so scholars of the King James Version ';team';. All of these were among the most intelligent of their day, and their work speaks for itself. Maybe you can be part of such a team, too. Who knows? But regardless, KEEP ON LEARNING as much as you can. God bless.I need some advice...I am learning Biblical Hebrew and Greek in order to better know the Bible I need help?
I understand what you are saying and I can empathize with you about learning the original languages. Many times people don't appreciate being told particular things are wrong. Many times in dealing with translations, it isn't that they are wrong, but maybe they don't use the best possible translation. Maybe you should present it in a way that brings that out. ';It could say this but maybe it says this...?';
';Why do people not appreciate...';? People want to believe that they are correct. People don't want to be told that what they think the bible says and what it really says are two different things.

Of course its worth continuing to learn, that way you will know the truth, just don't expect everyone around you to get excited over it. Its not a waste of time, it just feels that way sometimes. (a lot of times)
It is absolutely worth continuing to learn the languages so that YOU can understand them.

I read Koine (Biblical Greek), but not Biblical Hebrew and I can tell you that sometimes there are things that just cannot be translated adequately from Koine into English -- most of the time the message is obscured by translator bias
The Interlinear gives the original languages. But in this form the word for word translation is not necessarily readily understandable and much has to be interpreted. Therein lies the problem - how do you interpret to make it understandable to people in their current cultural context? Can be a big problem, and need a lot of explanation.
Odds are, you're never going to get proficient enough to achieve what you say you intend to accomplish.

And even if you could, it's highly unlikley that you would ever be able to get access to all the documents you need for your research.

Better to invest in a good concordance and interlinear and cut your losses.
Who are you pursuing all this learning for? Yourself? Or is it just to impress others and show them the errors of their ways? I don't know if it translates accurately or not, but isn't there something in there somewhere about removing the beam from your own eye, before extracting the mote from your brothers?
You will find that the most important parts are always the same: Jesus is Lord; he was crucified, he resurrected, and if you believe in him for who he claimed to be, you will go to heaven.
becuase even hebrew and greek scholars will not agree

whether the english version is 100% accurate or not....

i know of at least 2 hebrew scholars who would disgaree

with your assement of hebrew/greek to english translation.
Welcome to my world. I've been through 45 versions of the bible in seven languages. Keep learning, Jesus said knowledge is the key. Blessed be.
Why do some people think they must learn the bible so thoroughly? What is the point?

Be content.
yes indeed! who cares what other folk stude for yourself..the bible says to study to show thyself approved unto GOD..let them approve themselves!!!! I study some of Hebrew and Greek myself..keep going!
some people are just jealous but let your haters be motivators and elevators
I hear ya but I know personally i don't need any more scolars to look at the sccripture and translate it ... it's bee poured over by thousands and thousands of hebrw scolars greekscholars and I would be amazed if you found some profound flaw in their work ... I would assume you would do this for your increased understanding of the text ... but it sound s like you want to have the respect of others for your fine and insightful wisdom ..It sounds like you need to check youer motivation ....Many christians are impressed by huge amounts of faith and standing in the fire with the wind in your face ....Being a scholar and really smart adds up to usually nothing except pride arrogance and ignorance ..... thats not to say that christians are ignorant .. they just never should be flaunting it ...
No, you're not wasting your time! Don't give up! I don't know the Hebrew and Greek language of the Bible but would love to, I just don't have time to learn a new language. Learning the original language is awesome, because you'll be able to interpret Scripture correctly. Find the most accurate version of the Bible and let me know, it drives me crazy why all the translations are totally different from eachother. I want the real deal.

EDIT: Really? So the people who told me the Nas was the real deal were correct then. Well I guess it's good that that's one I read out of the most.
Why not get Strongs exhaustive Concordance that list every word in the Old testament and the New testament.

It also has a hebrew and greek lexicon that gives a defition of all the words and their meaning.

If you want to learn the language from scratch that is up to you. I want to learn the real meaning of the words and what was said.

We are in the last days however. Many have let their love grow cold. They have itchy hears not wanting to hear the real truth. So they listen to preachers who will tell them what they want to hear not what they really need to hear the Truth of GOD.
Hundreds of scholars and academics have been working on the oldest texts that are available and have been doing so for many years. They can not deduce the actual meanings of the words, how is it that you claim such intelligence against the hundreds of others, scholars at best. Language and words change throughout the centuries. It is nearly impossible for the average lay person to understand the words. The scholars have a difficult time figuring out some of the words. Textural critics work hard to determine the meanings of the words. Most of the original texts are missing, lost or destroyed as well as the languages that they were originally written in. There are simply no originals of any of the texts or either the OT or NT. What remains are copies of originals, or better yet, copies of the copies of the copies from the originals from hundreds of years after the originals, and these are reproduced by hand which leaves much to be desired in the deciphering.
Hebrew the language of the old testiment and greek the new has been translated over and over thousands of times. it was translated into english for our use here. For most people its too difficult to learn the hebrew and greek meanings of these words so they rely on the translators to give them the best ';version';....thus so many different translations of the bible (kj, niv, etc).

I don't have the time to sit down and translate from old world language into english so i'll let someone else do it for me - who has more understanding of those languages...don't get me wrong - i applaude anyone who can read the old world language but its not easy to learn and translate....going thru seminaries these guys have to learn so much - and i wasn't called into the ministry so i will let those guys ';teach me'; since they are scholars of the book and i'm not

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